"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


2 Weeks tomorrow..yep 2 weeks..we will have been moved down here to Oklahoma 2 weeks tomorrow.  Time has FLOWN by.  The new renters are all moved into our "old" home up in Michigan.  And yep, I'm still living in the RV with Chris and our 2 dogs...while Cassie is bunking with Brittany in her apartment with their 2 dogs.

All in all I am NOT complaining.  Actually last night, while sitting here alone (again), I was thinking how very lucky I am and I found that even though my "home" is in storage I am very happy and at peace.  I just know God has the right place for us..maybe we've not yet found it or maybe we have we just need to LISTEN more to what He is saying.

Now mind you, these 2 past weeks, have not gone without a few trials.  For instance let's talk about this evening.  Get ready to laugh!!

I got back to the RV, alone, Chris is up in Ponca City judging a rodeo.  I unlocked the door, tossed in ALL my stuff and grabbed the dogs for a much needed potty walk.  I also have Cassies' dog, Bootz, with me.  So off we went, all 4 of us.  Jack and Bootz were running around and playing then wham Jack got a scent and was off.  So I stood there on our side of the fence, calling him.  Finally he showed up and we headed back to the camper..all of us panting.  After all it is 104* outside.

I reached the camper door pulled on the handle and heard the lock slip into place...yep you read it right..the lock SLIDE INTO PLACE!!!!  So I stood there and thought oh crap.  All 3 dogs looked at me like "hey lady let us into the camper with nice cold air and cold water are you crazy we don't want to stand here!".  Well neither did I thank you very much.   Just so happened there was a father and son setting up their tent camper and I borrowed their phone. Brittany was on her way to help..but no tools to help.  While waiting on Britt I just sat down, in the shade, and had myself a little giggle.  Saw another regular RV'r, Tony, a young guy about Britts' age.  Hmmmm maybe a date fix up.  Nope he didn't have anything either. 

In the meantime I found 2 water bottles, empty of course, but I filled them and got the dogs some water.  As we were all standing around, all 5 us plus 3 dogs, trying to figure out what to do in rolled our next door neighbor Randy on his HARLEY!  Duh Dah Randy to the rescue.  Tony instantly said, "if anyone can get you in the camper Randy can."  As Randy dismounted from his Harley I gave my best "help" look and he said, "uh oh what's wrong?"  He walked around the camper once stood at the bedroom window and whipped out his pocket knife.  Britt popped her hand in thru the screen and cranked it open all the way.  So who was going to fit thru that little window. Darn Cassie she went with Chris to the rodeo.  Light Bulb went off in my head "hey the new people across the way, the boy is really skinny he will fit" and sure enough we shoved him thru (well his dad did) and here I sit sharing my story.

See sometimes you just gotta sit down and laugh.   Gotta get Randy a 6-pack of Dr. Pepper tomorrow and another 6-pack for the skinny kid.

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