"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, March 26, 2010

And the Stress Goes On..Off to the E.R.

Britt dropped in to see her doctor this morning, she has been getting really bad headaches, blurry vision and very tired.  So off the ER we went to get a CAT scan.  On the drive I joked to her and said "young lady you better not have any foreign object in your brain..I don't have time to deal with that".  Inside I was praying over and over let it be nothing let it be nothing.  Praise be to God it was not a foreign object in her brain..her brain is looking very good!!  She has stress induced high blood pressure thus the headaches.  GO FIGURE in this day and age.  Teens these days have more stress then we ever did.  Not to mention the family situation we are in..her moving out to Oklahoma next week and getting her very own place...and starting a new job then school in the fall!  WHEW wears me out just thinking about it.  Her very wise Aunt Tracie suggested YOGA..which Britt said she will start.  I also think she needs to listen to soothing music on her headphones instead of "todays" music.  So next week in Oklahoma our goal is #1 move her in #2 family Easter dinner  #3finding a YOGA place...think I'll give her some valium for the drive down and move in day LOL.   I am exhausted..and so much to do today yet.  Well there is tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Brittany #047 said...

think about it this way thats the last trip youll have to make to the er with me :)