"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunny and Cool a New Day Dawns Bright Again

Well after yesterdays' busy day I'm up and about.  Today I'm making home-made Corned Beef and Cabbage and having a friend over to enjoy it.  We went on St. Pattys' day but the restaurant we went to ran out JUST before we ordered.  Ellens' bringing over the beer and I'm cooking.  Smells yummy thru-out the house.  Britt is feeling better today..still a little bit of a headache lingering.   I've spoken to the hubby today after I apologized for getting mad at him last night.  You see there is a family funeral for his Aunt this coming Tuesday.  His mother REALLY wants him to come back to Michigan for it.  When his Aunt passed we immediately looked at air fare and realized we could  not afford $500 to get him home.  His mom offered to pay half and he said we could not afford it still then she said what if I pay full and he said no.  By the way, Chris is NOT big on attending funerals, I don't know who is, except maybe for his family.  He likes to remember the person as they were alive and I can't blame him.  Anyway last night I called his mom to get the times for the viewing and funeral and she tossed me a curve ball.  So has Chris found someone to cover for him and get the time off to come home?  I was a tad flusstered(sp) as we had not spoken of this..I said I had no idea and we could still not afford it and she said "we have the money".  So I called Chris and told him we needed to be on the same page...well my bad I should have approached it different. It went down hill from there.   I am sure I am NOT the only person that approaches their spouse wrong!!  We ended, well I did, ended up yelling and bitching about having to do it all alone up here.  I know he has it hard down there being apart from us..BUT I have attended EVERY family function w/o him since June of 2009 and it is HIS family.  My family is in Florida and my mom came up here for Christmas.

I guess I need to kind of clarify "his family.  Chris has 3 brothers; Ed (Chris) Rob then Rich.  Each brother is married and they, like us, have children.  Chris' parents, Pat and Don, are divorced..but they should still be married.  Don was an only child and his parents are deceased as are Pats' parents BUT she has SEVERAL brothers and sisters.  As the boys grew and got married an had kids they were still expected to attend FAMILY functions..those functions including their moms' "family" of sisters, brothers, Aunts Uncles, and Cousins by the dozen (LOL).  She never really "broke" from her family.  We, and I speak for the 4 boys & their families as proof has been made, don't WANT to attend every single "family" get together.  FAMILY being their mothers family.  There are been comments made and anger that "we" don't rally around and show up at every wedding, funeral, baptizmal, st. patty party, christmas party, just because party.  We dont' because we are our own family and that is how I believe is should be.  The boys and their families should be FIRST to the parent/grandparents and not 2nd.

Anyway that was a brief, yeah right, over-view.  And I am sure someone out there, or many someones..deal with the exact same type of family issues.  So you can appreciate my stress. 

In regards to Aunt Maryanns death..I am saddened but she had a long 57 years life.  Unfortunately she did not take of herself and I am sure that may have attributed to her death at a "young age".  But I did not run over to my mother-in-laws house and I know my sister-in-law Tracie and her husband Rich didn't either.  I can't speak for Rob and Ed is in Ohio.  I know, as I was told, family is important at a time like this, BUT her (my mother-in-laws) family WAS there and continues to be there.  I just can't handle it alone let alone if my husband was home.  The viewing and funeral will be hard enough.

Well I have to get down and check my "meat" and add the cabbage and carrots!

Let me know your thoughts.  I am open!!

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