"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Dawn of My Blog

I've been tossing this idea around for a while, well actually 3 months ago I started the "toss".  Last year, March 2009, my husband was "let-go" from his job due to "cut-back".  Yes we live in Michigan, the state that started seeing this "depression" way before any other state.  Also, in March, I was cut-back from full-time to part-time in my job.  I was a Brand Merchandiser..I merchandised clothing, handbags and other items for various vendors.  But due to the economy even that field was seeing a huge slump..although no one will admit that clothing sales have decreased LOL.  Anyway that July I hurt my back at work..and I've not been working since..but that's another story for another day.  Let me bring you up to speed...in October Chris(they hubby) was offered a temporary job down in Oklahoma.  God has been so good, things have been tight but each time we think we just don't know what to do next along comes something.  So on October 28th he packed up the RV and left for Oklahoma what was to be a 2 month job.  As of the middle of January it became a full job.  We've had the house up for sale for over 2 months and not one showing as of yet.  Five years it ago is appraised for $205,000, we currently have it listed for $148,000, and this $20,000 less than what we started at.  Anyway...it's tough and I just know deep in my heart there are other families out there like us...I want to connect with you!!  I want to be able to share our thoughts and our fears and our joys.  No one REALLY understands what I am feeling, or our 2 daughters (Britt 19, Cassie 16) unless they are in our situation.  So speak out let's share together!!!   I'll try to be back daily to share our daily life, our struggles, our joys and how things are going.   TALK to you soon!!!

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