"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A New Sunny Day

Goodmorning Everyone.  The sun is out but it is below 40 outside brrr.   It's 10am Michigan time and I JUST spoke briefly to Chris...he's busy down there in Oklahoma.  My doctor put me on some new pain pills for the pain from my herniated disc and I'm not sure I like them.  I feel kind of "off" and I loose my balance easily.  He said my body will get used to them..am not a big fan of them.  

Okay let's talk being apart.  I am SO LUCKY that my husband is ONLY down in Oklahoma and not in the military stationed over-seas.  My heart goes out to you ladies (and men) and your family!!   We've been blessed that we have been able to go down to see Chris.  The owner of the company has paid for me to fly down all but 1 time...I've been down 4 times.  The girls have been down 2 times.   But it's hard..each and every day.  ANYONE wanna buy my home in Livonia Michigan or rent it??  LOL Let me know please.

Being apart can be a good thing..it is true that abscence CAN make the heart grow fonder...however there are days that I ain't so fond of him.  You know what I mean.  Those days I am tired, Those days the girls are fighting and Those days that I am just sick and tired of handling it all.  And unfortunatley with my back issue I can't handle alot and when I do because I just can't sit around, or something has to get done, I pay for it with increased pain.

We purchased a web cam for him and I got one from my mother.  Have you ever had web cam sex?  Ohhh I know some of you are thinking I can't believe she just said that..but hey we have a great sex life and you gotta do what you gotta do!!   We also visit with the web cam...dressed! LOL

Having a really good support group helps...I have friends, a few, a church I attend and family.  But NO one in any of these groups can REALLY truly understand how I am feeling.  Except Tracie, my sister-in-law.  Her husband, Rich (Chris' brother) is a reservist and he has been gone from home for several months at a time and he had to go thru boot camp and training.  So she understands.   But I want to find MORE of you out there that are going thru what we are.  Being apart, with no end in sight, job losses, money issue (who doesn't have them these).....let's connect and support!!

Have a great day and may the Lord support you each and every step you take!!


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