"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday--Monday Let's Talk About Sex!!

Monday, May 17th...windy, cloudy and cool. Is it really May?  It is going to be in the high 70's later in the week.  My mom arrives from Florida on the 19th for a 10 day visit. Yeah.  
Well today I want to talk about something that I am SURE many of you out there, that have not seen your spouse/sig. other in a while, are thinking about...SEX!!  Yep I went there..I sure did. 
What brought me to this subject you may wonder...I must be honest Johnny Depp &  Mark Wahlberg!  I know you are laughing.  Seriously though..when you are apart from the one you love, sometimes for even a few days, you start to miss the little things.  After watching a few movies over the weekend with Johnny D. and Mark W. I realized that while I was seeing the guys w/o their shirts on, or kissing another person, or even just giving the actress that "look" (you know the one) that I realized how much I am missing that closeness.  Not even the SEX but the closeness.  The look your special someone gives you that makes your heart, even after 20+ years, skip a beat.  Or that touch, the one when they reach out and maybe grab your hand, or as they walk by just brush your skin.  Or the smell, yes the smell, of the one you love.  It rips your heart right out of your chest when you see others feeling those feelings you are so missing. 
It is hard, very hard, for others to totally understand the depth of our feelings~~unless they to are in the same position we are or have "been there".  I know for men it is probably different on some level, but come on guys you know deep inside you get "those feelings" when you are apart from your special girl.
Some would say to those of us missing that feeling to get over it (ha) others would say go buy new batteries (ha ha) and then some would say Yuck.  Those that say YUCK are those that have not felt what we have felt with our special someone, or are what I like to call the negative ninnies. Stay away from those people. 
It is OKAY to have those feelings, it is okay to cry over those feelings.  There are times I want to just crawl inside of Chris when I've seen him, so as to keep that feeling of closeness with me when we part again.
So it is Monday, another week ahead and another day of not knowing when we will be together again.  Just relying on God and the plans He has in store for us.  Just know that when that days come that the house is sold, the new one purchased and the move is complete we WILL NOT be entertaining company for at least a month..the doors will be locked.    Have a great day and keep those feelings close to your heart..they are after-all very special.

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