"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday -- Garbage Day

Up early today..YEAH!  Trying hard to get to bed at a descent time and get up at a "normal" time.  But what is normal LOL?  Normal for me and normal for you are probably 2 totally different things!!
Today is 'garbage day' and that is what brought me to the title and subject for this Thursday.

As I see everyones' garbage by the curb, and mine too, I wonder what is being "thrown" away?  Why do some people recycle and others don't?  Kind of like our lives.  What do we "toss" and what do we "recylce". Do we tend to trash things we really should keep?  Do we just give up and sometimes trash our support system or "trash" our faith?  Should we maybe be tossing out more or tossing out less?  Should we be learning how to "recycle" better?

Are you guilty of holding onto your "trash" in your life and you just keep adding to that bag?  I know I can be like that..I let certain things stay with me that I should not.  I am trying really really hard to constantly let those things that really are not important and those things that tend to trash up my life go.  What is really funny is that while I am writing this the TV is on and Dalai Lama just arrived on the TODAY SHOW for his first live interview.  How ironic is that?!?!  He is a person who's entire belief system is one of relaxation, forgivness, happiness and living stress free. He just said that many of todays' problems are "man-made" and yes I do agree with that for many things.  I'm not one to say I am educated on his beliefs but what a calm person he is and one that shares with everyone how we really should live.  Very ironic!!!

So even though my life is not going the way I want it to go, or how my entire family would like it go, I can not hold onto the trash that can cloud it.  When I do let my "trash bag" get full than my entire attitude changes.  My goal is to keep my "trash bag" low or almost empty..I don't think it will ever be empty.  But by keeping it low I know that my entire attitude will change for the best and I will feel better about the situation my family is in.

The situation sucks it truly does.  HOWEVER I have to remember that there is and will always be someone out there in a worse situation we are in.  My husband is working, thank God.  It is not the income we used to have but we are grateful and if we get behind on bills, which we are, it will end up okay.  We've not lost anything and we won't.  He is the man of the family and takes that role seriously and has never ever sat back and said "I can't"...he always finds a way to provide for us.  He does not let the garbage pile up in his bag..he keeps putting it by the curb and goes forward.

I thank God each day for positive things in our life and positive people.  I thank God each day for my family and for the gifts we've recieved and the opportunities He has put in our paths.  So today I vow I will not let my garbage get full anymore, I will let any trash that comes into my life get tossed out and I will recycle those things that need to be recylced that will help me become a better woman, wife, mother and daughter.

Have a good day and take your trash out!!

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