"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day ~~ Being Apart~~Being Grateful

Last night I sat on the deck outside, alone, drinking.  I was feeling VERY sorry myself as I have nothing to do this weekend and my husband and oldest daughter (Chris & Brittany) are in Oklahoma.  Cassie, my almost 17 year old daughter, was over at friends.  Anyway I was feeling sorry myself since Chris has been gone 7 months, my mom just left to go back home to Florida and the few friends I have are out of town.   So I drank a fruity drink and went to bed.  This morning I woke up, still feeling crappy for myself.  Then as I started to write this it dawned on me...my husband and my oldest daughter may be living in Oklahoma and our family is "seperated" due to work BUT we are all still living.

WOW what an eye opener.  There are SO MANY others out there today that will never ever get to see their loved one(s) again due to the wars.  I am not against the war, not totally for it, but not against it.  I value my freedom here in America and the choices that we still have, unlike other countries.  I am VERY grateful for the men and women in the Armed Forces.  I am an "Army Brat".  My brother-in-law is an Air National Guard Reservist.  Brittany almost joined the Army.  I have friends that are in the military.

So as I sit here this morning, feeling "sorry" for myself we (Chris, Britt, Cassie and I) will not ALL be together for another "holiday" I must remind myself that I have SO MUCH to NOT feel sorry for.  My husband is working, my back is getting better, my oldest daughter is doing great, my youngest daughter is doing great, my mother is alive and happy and I am alive & God is by my side.  I am not, today, visiting a grave of a loved one that I lost in a war.

My heart goes out to those families and friends.  May you find comfort in knowing that "your" soldier did not die in vain~~they died for you and for me and for all of us and we are VERY GRATEFUL.

May everyone take a few moments to reflect on what today is really about and be grateful for the people in your life.

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