"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I am SO Bad....

I am, really, so bad.  I've not written in so long, sorry.   Well it is May and the flowers are coming up.  My lilac tree is in bloom so I've cut some off and put them around the house.  I love the smell of lilacs, I think everyone does.  The house is still for sale!! We've had about 7 showings but no offers yet..I keep praying.  I know God has a plan for us..but lately I am wondering (to myself) if we are supposed to move?  I just feel in my heart we are supposed to and God is just waiting for us to find that perfect place down in Oklahoma.   As for Chris and I things have been rough.  We've been "fighting" per say...it is so hard living apart and not knowing what to say or do when things get tough.  Brittany is now living down there in her own apartment and working for Chris at the shop.  She seems to be loving it down there...working and she has been able to go to the moto-cross track near-by and practise.  She starts school this fall.  So Cassie and I are here holding down the "Fort" with Booger, Bootz & Jack!!   As for my back, ugh it is still hurting and I am waiting for closure with the suit against the insurance company so I can start something to feel better and help with the pain.  I've been considering acupunture and massage therapy.  I wonder if Pilates will help?  I've heard that it can.  So I need to STOP sitting around and give it a try LOL I have a great DVD for it that I've used before.  

Well I will try to keep this up-to-date LOL   Each day is a new day and I'm thankful for that!

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