"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday AKA "Hump Day"...Shame on me?

So it is Wednesday and SUNNY & WARM (well soon to be warm) out.  Off at 11am to pick up my mom at the airport for her 10 day stay!!

Since I talked about "sex" on Monday I can't very well talk about it again on "hump day".  Although a friend from high school pointed out I should have waited to talk about it today LOL.  That was a good one!
Got up early, sloppy joes are almost done for lunch today.  Think tonight we will have grilled chicken and enjoy this great weather with my mom on the deck.
I went out to dinner last night with my wonderful sister-in-law Tracie.  We always have such a nice time together when we go out to dinner.  We can talk about everything and anything and I love that about her.  She knows exactly how I feel being apart from Chris for so long since Rich, her husband, is in the military and has been over-seas.  And of course they had to deal with basic training and his continued training after basics.  At that time I was not very supportive of her because I had no idea what it was like to be seperated from the one you love for such a long time.  Shame on me for not taking a more pro-active step and being there for her and just assuming she was fine!  Shame on me for not listening to her and listening to what others were saying about the "situation". 
Isn't it funny I started writing about something totally different..didn't even have a title past "hump day"..but then I found myself writing more..something I feel so much more important.
Back to "shame on me"...yes I should have done more for her, I should have called her more, offered to do things with her etc.  But we can't go back and change the past we can ONLY LEARN from our PAST mistakes.  So that is why I am trying to learn to reach out to those people that are in the same situation I am in, being apart from their spouse/sig. other for such a long time.  I've not found anyone yet, at least not anyone that is willing to say HEY I AM IN THE SAME BOAT AS YOU.  But if you are please let me know...And if you are someone that knows someone don't become a SHAME ON ME or a I SHOULD HAVE...reach out to that person...you don't know how much of an impact you will have on that person.  Even just a quick visit during the day to sit and chat.  It does not have to be anything huge..a cup of coffee and a fun chat.  A quick run to the farmers' market..anything. 
I vow to NEVER again be a SHAME ON ME and think that the other person is doing fine..why do they need my company.

Enjoy your day and thanks for reading..I hope this touches your life and others.  Hugs, Donna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's not just loved ones that are away, sometimes it's spouses that have a "deteriorating" Illness that can be even worse,.....Being a man, and not being able to "fix" something, and feeling mostly or "competely " helpless about a situation are the most frustrating feelings in the world!! Seeing someone you care about gradually getting worse and worse is a terrible thing, caring, loving, and wanting to be there for them one moment, and being overcome with frustration and despair, wanting to run as far away as possible the next,(but haven't yet). My wife was diagnosed with M.S, almost 10 years ago, to say it's been tough would be an understatement, but we've gotten through, The housework may not get done as good, or as often as it should, I help out when I can,and even doing some chores back and forth from the computer......when I'm not working (doing a still fairly physically demanding job), meanwhile my hopes , dreams, desires, get put on hold, but I'm still here.Hope this touches someone in a similar "situation" to mine, gives some encouragement, andhelps keep me going too., Brock