"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Okay...I suck at this but I'm trying...

So it is finally May and I've NOT been very good about blogging.  Guess I won't be winning any blogging awards..LOL     Looks like "we" are finished with the suit for my back, I go sign papers at the attorneys' office tomorrow.  God has been great putting the right people in my path to work this case and get it done so quickly, only 7 months!!  I'll be able to get my back fixed soon.  Thank goodness, I shall soon be back to normal and able to do all I want to do.   It is so hard to sit around and not do what you want to or do what needs to be done, especially since the weather is finally warm.  I wanted to put in a garden, even though the house is for sale, and plant alot more flowers.  I know that by the time the house sells and we close on it I'll at least have enjoyed a few things from the garden and the new owners can reap the benefits.  My cherry tree has a ton of cherries on it.  I will miss making cherry pies each year but I look forward to the different trees I can have down in Oklahoma.  When I grew up there we had a few peach trees and apple trees on our property.  My mother made the best cobblers and pies!  We had a huge garden and each year she canned like crazy.  Nothing like home-made pies and home-made sauces and vegetables from the garden.  I look forward to all of that and more!   Today Cassie is driving me over to the discount flower place to get some flowers and such.  I'll put some out front to make the porch "inviting" and out back.  Flowers will cheer up anyone!  Have a great Sunday and remember..today is the day that God has made give thanks and rejoice in it.  Hugs, Donna

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