"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

24 HOURS~~"IT"......

24 HOURS ~~ That is all it takes, sometimes less, for things to change.  You've got a plan...everything is "lined up", "layed out" according to YOUR plan...and WHAM 24 hours later your "plan" is gone.  Well let's not say GONE GONE let's say it your plan has been deviated, way-laid, post-poned, you get the idea.

Monday night, I had a plan, I really did.  I knew what was coming up (well sort-of if it went "my way").  I just knew what was going to happen, when it "would" happen and how it would happen. Tuesday night WHAM plan change.  I still knew "IT" was going to happen, but "IT" got delayed.  So another "IT" took the first "IT's" place. 

So then Wednesday rolled around...and guess what?  Another 24hours and "IT" changed again.  So my first "IT" is STILL delayed, but delayed even further and now I have a new "IT". Unfortunately.

As much as "IT" changes some of "IT'S" stay the same.  The house is still on the market, my husband and oldest daughter are still in Oklahoma waiting.  There at still alot of  "IT'S" that need packed and things to do around here.  But the BIG "IT"..the really BIG "IT" in my life right now has to happen.  Even that "IT" has changed.  I knew I had to get my big "IT" fixed, that is my back.  I knew it would probably be surgery but I had NO IDEA it was going to THAT SURGERY!!  I had no idea I was going to have to have 2 rods, 4 screws and a plate put in!  UGH UGH UGH   So I got home, read over all the paperwork.  Told Chris, told Cassie, told Britt and told my mom.  Oh yeah I also talked to my sis-in-law and she knows :-)  I didn't cry, I wasn't worried I just knew by other "IT" was delayed but alot of "IT'S" were still going to happen, somehow.  I did good UNTIL I sat down last night and read the paperwork they give you.   You know the one, the one with ALL the "this could happen to you" descriptions.  I know, I know they have to give it to you...but by the time I finished reading it I was like this "IT" is NOT going to happen.  So I called Chris and cried to him and yes "IT" is going to happen.  I need, no I must, get back to normal. LOL What is normal?  Well at least I'll be able to, next year at this, time have a garden, ride horses, and do all the things I love to do PAIN FREE.  Of course in the "paperwork" they do tell you that you could still have pain or more pain or diff. pain.  I won't...if anything I have ALWAYS been positive about the outcome of any surgery I may face..and "IT'S" all been good.

So the date is set and now I wait and do what I need to do to prepare for my new big "IT".  Of course there is another 24 hours that will go by and who knows what "IT" will change.  Only God knows and as much as I would like to keep my "IT'S" in order I can't...I just have my "free will" from God and that can be my lists' of "IT'S" and as I make my list I know, deep inside, HE is in charge of the "IT" LIST and I'm okay with that, I really am.  Because God is there holding my hand, standing by me, looking over my shoulder and every once in a while when I make another one of my hundred "IT LISTS" I will hear a little chuckle.  God does have a sense of humour, thank goodness!!

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