"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, June 4, 2010


UGH  Well we had a 2nd showing on the house the other day.  The realtor and the clients asked questions, stayed a long time and seemed REALLY interested.  I was excited..guess I should not have been.  My realtor sent my the email that their realtor sent.  Although they REALLY like the house they have some concerns about the concrete drive and the broken garage door.  Due to that they are going to continue looking.  What the HECK!!!  Okay the door IS NOT broken, it is old, very old.  It still opens and closes.  The concrete, yep it will eventually need replaced like most of the other drives in the neighborhood due to the trees. 

Five years ago we got this house appraised and it came out at $205,000!  Four years ago the same floor plan house with a SMALLER yard sold for $210,000.  We currently have ours listed at $139,700.  PEOPLE and REALTORS wake the heck up the coffee is burning.

If that is ALL they are concerned about then if I was their realtor I'd be like okay well let's see if they will come off the price a little bit or give monies back at closing.  START SOMEWHERE!!!  Even my realtor agreeded with me on that.

Do people NOT understand the lack of jobs out there?  Since when did realtors STOP working for their clients?  They don't drive you around anymore, they don't have ALL the home information BEFORE they arrive.  You don't know how many times I've heard, FROM THE REALTOR, as they are walking in the front door..."oh this has 4 bedrooms?"  WOW it is on the listing sheet. Or how about the one that came in and we were out of their price range...PLEASE STOP WAISTING MY TIME!!!  Most realtors, and I'm sorry if you are one, keep bankers hours. In this market today you CAN'T!!!

Our realtors, the selling one here in Michigan and our one in Oklahoma, start their days at 8am and work till late in the day. They both do alot of phone work, advertising and showings.  We have had over 15 showings since we listed 2 months ago..the most ever.  I know we will get an offer soon.  But the waiting and watching is killing me.

Unfortunately the media has killed real-estate sales.  Every day on TV you can hear about.."how to get a great deal", "homes under $???? all across the United States",  "don't settle".  Yes there are great deals out there, trust me I know this, but people always want something for nothing.  Don't forget you are already practically getting that something for nothing.  Our house is $60,000+ below the appraised value..yes I know it won't appraise for $205,000 now but it is still a GREAT deal. 

So what it if the garage door is broken, it still opens and closes.  The rest of the house is great, and I'm not just saying that.  I guess all I can really say is OKAY I hope you find what you are looking for.  I am realistic when home shopping...I want good structure, updated electric and plumbing, and nothing that requires over a $10,000 fix.  All the rest, a broken door, cracked concrete, bad paint..all that can be replaced or re-painted.  With a good strong foundation you can do anything.

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