"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Doing it all with a funny laugh!!!

So not having the hubby living here has posed some funny situations.  Thank goodness I am NOT a "princess" and expect things to get done for me..they'd never get done LOL    Friday night I was sitting at the dining table on the computer while it was raining..all of a sudden out the kitchen window I heard a "waterfall".  I went out and looked at that corner and found the rain water gushing out of a seam in the gutter...way above the bottom drain area. UGH  So I grabbed a stick and stuck it up the gutter and out came some gunk..but the waterfall was still falling.  Saturday morning I got up and set out to tackle the clogged gutters because I know how important it is for the water to flow away from the house..not form a lake at each corner.

I took the long gutter part that comes off of the bottom and takes the water away from the house...HUH it was so heavy..guess that was due to the fact that there were roots and dirt growing in it!  Banged it out, yuck.  Grabbed a metal rod and stuck it up the gutter..nope no luck.  So off came about 3 foot of gutter and out came the pressure hose.  Needless to say, the water is now flowing properly.  But YICK  Got the back 2 corners fixed..guess I better work on the front 2 corners?

So last night, Saturday, we had major rain..no waterfalls outside the kitchen window.  Although this morning the back yard looks like a small lake.  That has never happened in June.  So I went outside to survey any damage..lukily no trees down or major branches.  Just a lot of water.  As I'm walking back to the house I hear a little 'chirp' and look down.  Awww a baby robin, not a little little baby but one that looks like it is just ready to leave the nest.  Well it left alright..via the storm.  Poor little guy/girl he was a tad ruffled.  Luckily Jack, my jack russell, did not see him.  I grabbed some gloves, a box and went to the resuce.  As I approached he screamed and tried to fly across the yard...well Jack saw him then.  Quickly tossed the box on top to save him from certain dog death.  Meanwhile the mother bird is screaming at me!! AT ME how dare she I'm trying to save her baby.   Got the birdy in the box and took said birdy to the front yard and placed him under the big tree.  With a prayer he will be okay.

From gutter cleaner outer to birdy saving..I can do it all~~with a funny laugh of course!!!

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