"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can a girl get a little help, oh please God I ask....

Oh my gosh can I take it?  Can I handle it? I keep saying YES I CAN but here it is almost 11pm at night and I am so wide awake you'd think I had just gotten up and finished off 2 cups of coffee.

So MUCH to do..well not a lot of packing..that is almost done.  I have a ton of bins to go thru though and toss stuff we don't need..2 days tops that will be done.  What I can't "settle" on is finding a home for us to live in down in Oklahoma.

I started this process OVER 5 months ago, the looking process.  But now it is down to the wire and we have GOT TO FIND SOMETHING.  I know God has something out there, but can a girl get a little help PLEASE LORD?   Do we rent?  Do I keep trying to find a foreclosure?  I have been looking and looking and looking PLEASE OH PLEASE GOD I pray let something jump out to us.  We can't get a mortgage due to our darn financial issues but hey Chris is working and things are turning around..I just know we will "get a break".

But in the meantime can we maybe, please God, get a break and put that perfect place for US to be in, even if just for a short time, in our path.  And if it is not too much to ask can we find it within the next few days.  Just asking God..I know you are there for us...you've been there thru all of this for us.  Thanks a ton, I know this "girl" will get a little help. 


Angie, Catladyland said...

Things will work out -- when faith steps in, good things happen :)

Glad to find your blog!

Donnajayne said...

Thanks Anige. Glad you found it to :-)... yes good things are happening!!