"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


If ONLY we knew how to turn off our brains at night...we'd all sleep a tad bit better.  I've tried the deep breathing techniques, I've tried Yoga, I've tried praying but alas nothing worked. UNTIL...I found out I have insomenia, wow who would have thought?!?!?!

Years and years of not sleeping right OR sometimes even sleeping too hard, due to lack of sleep, finally came to a head almost 2 years ago.  Thank goodness for my family,  a great Doctor and all the help and guidance and, even though I was hesitant, the medicine.  God sure knew what He was doing when it all came to head..there is NO WAY I would have made it thru the past 9 months w/o knowing what is wrong with me and how to handle it.  I know, for sure, I'd have gone off the pervirbiable deep end.

However, as of the last few day, with "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" starting I find myself running around inside my brain when the lights go off.  Do you know how tired running in brain can make you?  You can't even think when the lights come on and you generally feel like crap all day long.  Who has time for that, I sure don't.    So what's left that I can do.  Well I'm praying A LOT more and I just keep saying over and over "IT IS ALL GOING TO WORK OUT".  Trust, in ourselves, others and God, is one of the HARDEST things to do.  So I think instead of praying for a goods' night sleep I'm going to pray for TRUST that it will all work out.  I sure won't pray for patience because we all know what that can lead to! 

So with TRUST will come relaxation and I just know I'll be able to sleep better..that and I won't stop taking my prescribed medicine for my insomnia.  It is amazing how many people have the same problem I do that go undiagnosed.  I never even thought I had insomnia..if you think you do talk to your Doctor about..don't diagnose yourself.  We all know that diagnosing ourselves can lead to "issues". LOL

It may be a few months before my brain learns to "turn off" again when the lights go out but I'm praying that, at least, in the meantime it will slow WAY down when the lights turn off.  Moving can be so stressful, exciting, scary and so much more but we need to have ALL of our wits about us.  Prayer, deep breathing and peaceful thoughts are on my agenda each and every night! 

Here is hoping you can get YOUR brain to TURN OFF too and get a great nights sleep!


Angie, Catladyland said...

Girl, I know all about insomnia... I hope you get some peace -- awake and asleep -- very soon!

Donnajayne said...

Thanks Angie!! Think I finally "caught up" yesterday afternoon..had a nap in the big comfy chair!