"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

DECISIONS..DECISIONS..God I am listening..Really I am!!

Just when YOU think YOU have it ALL figured out HA HA HA!   UGH

Let me bring you up-to-speed.  The very first couple that walked thru our door to lease/option our house were GREAT.  I just knew they were the ones..but......at the last minute they had to back out.  Totally understandable and I do wish them the best.  HOWEVER I had to start back at square #1...so this week we've had 1 couple come thru to look at the and 3 single moms with kids.  We've had 3 couples that were scheduled to come NOT show up, NOT call, NOT email, nothing, just didn't show up.  So as of today (Thursday) I've got the "choices" narrowed down to 2.  Easy you say. HA HA HA  NOT!!   I just can't decide.  I don't want to decide.  I'm am so scared to make that final decision!!

I reached out to friends on FB and those that responded had great replies; "pray and LISTEN to what God says", "check their references and rent history", are my two favorite!  I've done both.  References are good for both AND I'm praying!  Do I need to turn up my hearing aide?  That IS a joke I am NOT that old!!

Both of them LOVED the house!  I don't want one to be disappointed.  I am such a softy at heart!!  But it is only Thursday and I has said I would get back to all them by Friday evening with a decision.  So I have a whole day and a few hours to go.  GOD I'M LISTENING!!  At least I think I am!?!

I think out of the whole ordeal, living apart for over 9 months, having to MAKE DECISIONS on my own has been the hardest.  Yes I can talk to Chris, unlike those wives whose husbands are over-seas, but in the end decisions that have to be made up here in Michigan are on my shoulders.  No wonder my shoulders are sore all the time (joke).  But seriously it is hard, very hard.  When you get married the two shall become one and I feel like those cells that "split"..you know when you watch TV and they show stuff under a micro-scope and one cell splits and then there are 2 doing their own thing.  Yep that's me..we "split"..still "swimming" around side by side but none-the-less SPLIT.  I'm am furiously swimming, against the current it seems, to reconnect!!

Now I know we will soon be "one cell" again but my shoulders are sore and my arms are sore from swimming up-stream. Another joke.  Hey you gotta keep the humour thru all of this.

So I guess for today and tomorrow I am going to just release the choice to God.  HE can think it over and get back to me, as I know HE will!!  After-all He has been here for us thru this whole process.  I am just going to LISTEN and trust in Him.
Enjoy your day!!

1 comment:

Angie, Catladyland said...

Yes, it will all fall into place. And then you'll look back and say, "why was I worried?" But for now, it's hard, isn't it? Hugs.