"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, July 12, 2010

DO MEN PMS?!?!?!?!

Seriously..do men PMS?  I've been asking myself that for so many years.  Now don't take this the wrong way I am NOT "man bashing" I just want to know the answer to my question.  Maybe I already know the answer and just want to know that I am NOT alone. Did men PMS back in the day when they dragged women by their hair into their caves?  

I keep saying I am going to mark it down on the calendar and see if there is a pattern.  I have 2 daughters so I know the signs of PMS. Yes yes I know I'm a girl too and I should "know the signs", but don't we tend to think our signs of PMS are different than other peoples signs.  Come on laugh with me now!!

Anyway, back to MPMS.."Men Pre Mood Syndrome"   The warning signs:  #1Cranky  #2Moody
#3Don't laugh at what you just said even though they laughed at it last week   #4Frown A Lot  #5Look at YOU like YOU are crazy (what's up with that? their acting crazy I'm not) #6Don't want "it" even though you are offering  #7Want to be alone in their "cave"  #8Everyone hates them  #9Want "it" even if you don't offer then don't want to cuddle after they get "it".

So if you see any of the above pre-warning signs you know MPMS is starting.  Ladies what are we to do about it?   For years I've tried everything; get moody right back at them, ignore them, fight with them, cry, go away for a few days, give in to them.

Nothing works for MPMS except maybe the following:  #1Don't make jokes, they just won't get it during this "time"  #2Be happy, no matter what gets tossed at you  #3Don't frown back  #4Know you are not crazy it is them but don't let them know it  #5Offer "it" up and roll over and read a good book after  #6Migrate to the other room with your good book after you turn on their favorite TV show and hand them their favorite beverage and snack  #7Agree when they say everyone hates them  #8Leave the house and go shopping. 

If, I feel, you can possibly attempt to complete at the very least 3--4 steps above you just may survive MPMS.  If all else fails just know that they do love you, even if it is down deep somewhere inside of them during this monthly phase.  Smile a lot, and just say I LOVE YOU over and over...as you walk out the door to shop!!

But remember once you get thru that stage, if you have daughters, you then have to deal with their PMS.  If ONLY you can get them all on the same schedule you'd be able to schedule your shopping spree ahead of time.

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