"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


4, 3, 2, 1...It's the Final Countdown...Okay~Okay I won't sing, promise!  80's flashback..sorry...

But seriously it dawned on me yesterday that we have 2 weeks before we move down to Oklahoma.  WOW  Good thing I started packing oh back in February LOL!!!  

Each day, for me, is a count-down.  A count-down to not only the big "move day" but a count-down to what is yet to come.  A new place to live, new friends to be made, a new church to find and so much more.  But I think, at this point, the best will be having MY family in the same darn place for the first time in OVER 9 months!!  Myself, Chris, Brittany, Cassie and let's not forget the dogs (Booger, Jack & Bootz). Well Brittany has her own apartment but I know we will see her a lot.

It is very exciting, and scary, at the same time.  I have been in this home for over 13 years and in Michigan over 17 years.  In my entire life this is the longest I have stayed in one state!  I started out in California, birth 1965, then Ohio while my father was in Vietnam, then down to Oklahoma, then up to Illinois for high school, then down to Florida in 1984, married in 1988 and moved to Michigan in 1993.  Wow I really "got around" (that's a joke). 

You just never know what God has in plan for you.  As I look back, on all the places I've been, I can see that God had His hand in each and every move.  For instance, had we NOT moved to Florida in 1984 I would have NOT met my husband.  Of course I very well could be saying that if I had moved to Florida I would have not met my husband.  But I Chris is my husband and as much as we fight or argue we love that much more.  As much as the hard times we've gone thru we know the good times will soon be upon us and we've had so many good times.  So I really can't imagine another man in my life..at least not today (another joke).

So in honor of the "Final Countdown" I am still awake at 1am!  Instead of being in bed, getting a good nights sleep, I'm on the computer!  I should be in bed sleeping so I can get up tomorrow, run out and get some more boxes, and keep on packing.    But........

I guess I should stop thinking so much and stop counting so much and just relax, a tad bit more.  When you put it in Gods' hands things go a little bit smoother...4, 3, 2, 1 ...it will all get done!!!

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