"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Have you ever had one of those "nightmares" where you wake up and go OH NO!!  And,of course, they come at the worst possible time.   Since we've finally "rented" the house I've had a mixture of thought about everything..will the furnance hold, will the dishwasher keep working, what if if if and more if...LOL  Would I have rather sold the home, of course then we would have "washed our hands" of it.  But it didn't sell and doing a lease/option is the next best thing in this market.

Back to nightmares...So I woke up this morning from a dream that it was our last night in the home and we had family over for dinner.  First off I have to describe dinner; paper plates, real silverware, a TON of food and alot of people in additon to family.  Why on earth I would have a lot of food and paper plates is beyond me.  Anyway...we are eating and someone says"Where is that water dripping from?"  OH NO...In the laundry room I go and look at the ceiling and yep there is water dripping.  Mind you the girls bathroom is above the laundry room.  All of a sudden my husband, his father, his cousin, and his brothers are crammed around the dryer looking at the ceiling and they begin to pull away the ceiling to find the leak.  All the while I'm going NO let's call a plumber.  And while I'm saying that I get "THE LOOK" from all them so I leave the room and go back to table to finish my food.  Everyone at the table asks me if I am going to call a plumber and I calmly reply nope let them handle it..I'll just pray it gets' fixed correctly.

Which brings me to "leaky pipes".  When we have those "leaks" do we try and try and try to FIX them ourselves or do we go to God in prayer and ask Him to help us fix our leaks?  I know that a lot times I forget to go to Him and say HEY I NEED HELP and then TRUST in Him to help me.  I trying, every so much harder, to keep ASKING and to KEEP LISTENING to HIM!!!

Even though we've found a wonderful couple to lease our home and they are as excited as we are I am still wondering if I've made the right decision.  Then I stop and think..I LISTENED to that voice, GOD, and within 24 hours we had renters.  I must stop listening to the negative and nagging from satan..only he can make my pipes leak and I sure don't want or need that right now. 

So, for the past 5 days, all day long I've been telling myself THIS IS RIGHT and I am LETTING GO and LETTING GOD.  So what if the pipes leak, He will be there to help!!  AMEN!!!

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