"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


All I keep thinking is "ARE WE THERE YET".  Don't laugh at me, laugh with me.  You know when you are younger you think hour to hour or day to day.  I never "looked" ahead when I was younger but man oh man I sure do now.   I keep thinking; okay by Friday at this time we will be on the road to Oklahoma; okay next week at this time we will be in Oklahoma and I will be with my husband and oldest daughter; okay in 2 weeks we will be somewhat settled in our new place.  If you are in my age "group" you'll totally understand....

90% of the house is packed and now I'm just praying it will ALL fit in the U-Haul truck.  I've been re-packing some things to make less boxes.  So far it is working, a little.  I've managed to down-size and give away quit a few things.  Thru the years I've learned if I've not used it in over a few months, worn it in a few years it is time to give it away.  But there are few things I just can get rid of yet.  But then again we are not at load the truck day.  So a few of those things may not be that important anymore.

So this coming Friday it is me, Cassie, 2 horses and 3 dogs making the trip to Oklahoma.  Chris wanted to be here to help and drive us down.  But he can't.  It is just the way it worked out and I understand.  If only everyone else could understand.  So as I'm driving the U-Haul w/the company of only 2 dogs and a walkie-talkie I'll chug on down the road and I know I'll say it over and over ARE WE THERE YET?

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