"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Got your attention didn't I?!?!  And yes it was REALLY busy at the grocery store today.  It is ONLY Tuesday what is up with that....is a major storm coming that I don't know about?  Figured if there was I better stock-up.  I even splurgged and got a 6-pack of the new Bud 55 Select!  A friend brought it over one night for dinner and I was surprised how good it is.  So now it is in the fridge..I really got it because there is this awesome chicken receipe with beer in it!!

Surprise, surprise the realtor called today and wanted to know if we could be ready for a short-notice showing.  We've not had a showing for over a month and I've been meeting with people to do a lease/option on the house.  Well the people need to make up their mind ASAP 'cause it is down to the wire..either they buy it for the bottom price we've got it at OR I've got it leased.  We are so leaving at the end of the month.

Cassie doesn't think we are leaving by then..she keeps saying "...I bet we don't leave until the middle of August..." HA little does she know school down there starts in August!  OMGosh she is gonna be so pissed..oh well her dad can deal with that as I've been dealing with everything else up here w/o him!! 

I can't wait to get down there and be with my hubby..not only to have him by my side for, you know what, but he can be "dad" for a while!  I'm gonna sit back and say..."ASK DAD" ~ "What does dad say about that?"  "Do you think dad would agree with you on that?"  and the list can go on and on.  Ahhh the peace I'll get of NOT having to make a decision or argue with my teen.  I'll get back to you on that and see if it worked.

Maybe that is why I go to the grocery store and hang-out...for the peace and quiet...even if it is busy I can pretend no one is there but me.  Clean up in aisle 4 Clean up in aisle 4.....


Angie, Catladyland said...

It will be nice to not be a single parent anymore! Hope time flies for you :)

Donnajayne said...

You bet! Yes the past 9 months, in retrospect have really flown by. :-) It could have been a lot worse.